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企業概況 · 山東省工業設備安裝集團有限公司




  • 分類:企業概況
  • 發布時間:2020-05-26 00:00:00
  • 訪問量:0



       歷經60余年的發展,我公司已成為一支技術力量雄厚、檢測手段完善、施工經驗豐富的大型綜合性安裝企業。具有機電、建筑、冶金、石油化工、電力、市政公用工程施工總承包資質,建筑裝修裝飾、鋼結構、消防、環保、起重設備安裝、建筑機電安裝工程專業承包資質,以及1級鍋爐安裝改造維修、GC1、GD1、GB類壓力管道安裝、起重機械B級特種設備安裝改造維修許可證、電力承裝(修、試)許可證、對外承包工程資格證書,并可從事國外工程施工及境外勞務輸出、貨物及技術進出口,組焊、煙氣脫硫裝置技術開發、制造、安裝及相關技術咨詢服務,職工培訓、全日制中高 級工招生培訓、職業資格培訓與鑒定,房屋租賃等業務。已取得環境、職業健康、質量管理三合一體系的認證證書。

目前公司現有在冊職工2180人,其中注冊建造師87人,各類專業技術人員520名。多年來,公司始終遵循“用戶第一,信譽至上”的經營宗旨,連續多年被評為“工程質量管理先進單位”、“全國優 秀施工企業”、“中國施工綜合實力百強企業”、“全國用戶滿意施工企業”、“全國守合同重信用企業”稱號,先后四次獲得中國建設工程質量最高獎——“魯班獎”。





Corporate profile of Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Group Co., Ltd.

Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Group Co., Ltd. (formerly Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.), of which the predecessor is No. 7 Industry Equipment installation Company of Ministry of Construction Engineering, removed to Shandong to set up Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Company in August 1958. The name was changed into Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Corporation in 1991, into Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. after overall restructuring in 2015, and into Shandong Province Industrial Equipment Installation Group Co., Ltd. in 2018.

After 60 years of development, we are now a large-scale installation company boasting strong technical force, perfect detection means and rich experience. We hold now General Contractor qualifications for MEP, Housing Construction, metallurgical, petroleum chemical industry, power engineering and municipal public works, qualification as specialized contractor for building decoration engineering, steel structure, lifting equipment installation works, and Special Equipment Installation, Alteration and Repair Permits for Class 1 boiler GC1, GD1, GB pressure pipeline, permits for electric equipment (repair, test), overseas project contracting qualification certificate and manager foreign engineering construction and overseas labor export, cargo and technology import and export, welding, flue gas desulfurization equipment technology development, manufacturing, installation and related technical advisory services, staff training, full-time middle and senior workers enrollment training, vocational qualification training and identification, housing leasing and other services. And we obtain three-in-one management system certification certificate of environment, occupational health and quality management.

Among the 2180 employees are 87 registered constructors and 520 professional and technical personnel. Over the years, we always follow the business purpose of Customer First, Credit First, were awarded the honorary title of Advanced Project Quality Controller, National excellent construction Enterprise, Chinese Top 100 Enterprise with Comprehensive Construction Power, National Customer Satisfaction Construction Enterprise and National Enterprise Honoring Contracts and Crediting for many successive years and won Luban Prize, Chinese Superb Prize for Construction Quality, four times.

We have now 15 branches, overseas divisions, Dubai branch, professional branches as Environmental Engineering Company, Maintenance Company. Test Center, Equipment Relocation, Photovoltaic Power Generation and Shandong Province Installation Projects Technical School. Along the way, adhering to the business philosophy of Ruling Enterprise by Law, Quality for Survival, Basing at Trust, and Unity for Development, with the Client Interests First as the starting point for all work, Retaining Old Customers and Develop New Markets as the business strategy, Building Centennial enterprise, Creating Industry Brand, Serving the Country and Benefit the Community with Installation as the enterprise mission, we boast a good reputation at home and abroad and win the trust of customers at home and abroad with scientific management and skilled construction. With the strategy implementation of the Belt and Road and the establishment of the Asian Investment Bank, we will, implement strategies first “borrowing boat to sail” then “building boat to sail”, do our utmost to create "overseas" business platform, on which three market of areas around China, the Middle East and Africa has gradually formed with the international rules and standards mastered and a large number of international project management personnel trained and integration ability of the whole industrial chain from design, equipment, logistics, construction to commissioning to set up gradually the overseas brands of Shandong installation.

We have reached school-enterprise cooperation agreements with a number of colleges and universities, established a “Proinstallstion College” and actively explored the talent training model within the scope of cooperation, and cultivated professional made-to-order talents for the company. The subordinate Shandong Provincial Installation Engineering Technical School is a key technical school in the province for its early founding, large scale and multi professions. It provides constantly medium and high-level technical talents for the company and provides strong manpower for the company's sustainable development.

Looking into the future of opportunities and challenges and facing complicated and diversified competitive environment and new competitive pressure, we stride forward boldly to the strategic objective of building a centennial Chinese installation enterprise with our brand, talent and technology advantages to continue the magnificent sections and chapters of beyond and innovation.



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市場部郵箱:[email protected]


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